Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Memorial for Richard Chewning

It was my great privilege to meet and Dick Chewning, who was an Elder at my church and passed away last week. This morning the Church and extended family came together to remember our friend.

Below is the Order of worship, for as is right we worshipped the Lord.


The Obituary            - Rev Tom Merchant
Call to Worship.       - Rev Dr Paul Sagan
Prayer of Invocation - Rev Dr Paul Sagan

Hymn     "Great is thy Faithfulness"

Scripture Readings

Psalm 90:1-12                - Rev Stephen Atkinson
1 Corinthians 15:20-58   - Rev Ken Hargis
John 11:21-26.               - Rev Dr Paul Sagan

Hymn    "It is Well with My Soul"

Message       - Rev Dr Paul Sagan
              "I Am the Ressurection and the Life"


Hymn.    "My Jesus I Love Thee"


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