Thursday, November 6, 2014

More about Bible software.

So while I have mentioned Logos 6, since that version has just been released, I think ti might be a good time to just discuss Bible software in general. I am a Mac guy, self admitted, so one might think I have less options, but honestly Bible software is one of those products where Windows and Mac are pretty much equal.

I have learned that Bible Software is very much like Cameras, it isn't which one is truly better it is which one that you will use. That being said I will tok a little about my Journey to Logos.  My using Bible Software goes back to late 80's and early 90's and started with Quickverse and Wordsearch, my Father had one, and I had the other. That was back when everything was nearly one window and everything was always full screen. I liked them both but the thing about so many of these products is unless you held onto the disks, if you got a new computer you were looking for a new product. For the longest time (till the early 2000's) I had my product , it was a a piece called Theophilos, I loved it, but by my early 30's I was looking for a means to get both commentaries and the Bible together at the same time. That led to my first introduction to Logos. Which I really enjoyed, it's biggest draw is the layout functionality for any user, and the huge library of add ons you can get for additional libraries.

IN 2007 though I left Logos, through the choice to move from Windows OS to MacOS. After a little bit of searching, I found the closest equivalent (though not exactly the same) which was Accordance. I bought Accordance, and transferred my Logos license to my father. I like Accordance well enough, but then I heard that Logos was porting their application to the Mac. So I got on the beta program and moved back.

I've also used the sword project and several others, but I've always come back to Logos. The main thing for me has been the superior User Interface (UI) that Logos provides me. The fact that the Logos mobile version is outstanding is a huge bonus too.

I haven't tweaked Logos 6 much yet, but I love the continued improvements to the Home Page. By default it had my readings for the Day, as well as Devotionals I had set up in earlier versions of Logos. It also now has a Verse of the Day, and tips. Moral of the story though is I have tried a whole lot of Bible software products and have finally found the version that I will be sticking with until Bible software Becomes unnecessary or the company goes out of business.

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